
How does your garden grow?

Our family garden is off to a good start.  We have a medium-sized vegetable garden.  This year we have tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, onions, leek, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkins and maybe some other things that I am forgetting.  Calling it a "family" garden might be stretching it a little.  It should be called the "family except for mommy" garden.  The garden is my husbands domain.  The kids love to work outside with daddy but I don't have a green thumb and I don't like mosquitos or hot sun.  I just say that I "don't want to intrude on quality father-kid time".

Once the vegetables come in the door, then they're in my domain.  My husband has no interest in doing anything with the produce besides growing it and eating it fresh when he's picking it.  That's not bad, but it's hard to eat half a bushel of tomatoes at a time.