
My cooking skills are quite amazing!

My two boys LOVE porridge.  They actually cheer when I say they can have it.  (I guess it's such a nice break from fresh hot waffles with strawberry sauce.)  Since I don't feel like eating oatmeal every day, and usually B2 is hungry at least an hour before B1 is awake in the summer, I have been making single servings in the microwave, or using instant oatmeal from a recipe on the family homestead.

Now that we are back on a school schedule B2 has to get up in the morning and the baby is big enough to eat it as well, I started making it in a pot on the stove.  The first time I did this, both boys just stared at me.  "What are you doing?"  "Can you really cook porridge on the stove?"  (and this is from boys who have never seen little packages of instant, flavored oatmeal)

Now they get excited when they see it.  They think "stove porridge" is a special treat!