
Kitchen Tip - Peeling Peaches

It's peach season, and to me that means one important thing - peach pie. That is one of my favorite pies, although I do like most fruit pies.  The hard thing with peach pie is deciding which recipe to make because I have a few really good ones.  The easy thing is peeling peaches.  The trick is to have peaches that are really ripe.  They should feel slightly soft to the touch (but not mushy, that's too ripe.)  If they are hard, let them sit on your counter for a day or two - NOT in the fridge.  They will ripen up nicely.  Freestone peaches are easier to slice because the peach falls right off the pit.  Get it - free stone.

Here are the three easy steps to peeling peaches:

1.  Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Drop peaches, a few at a time into boiling water.  Leave in 30 - 60 seconds.  Not too long, you are not cooking them.

2. Using a slotted spoon, scoop the peaches out of the boiling water, and immediately place in COLD water.

3. When they have cooled enough to handle (a minute or so depending on how tough your hands are) take them out and the skin slides right off leaving a naked peach.

4.  (I know I said three easy steps, but technically this comes after it has been peeled.)  Slice around the peach pit, and drop them into a bowl.  If you are doing a lot, place them in water with lemon juice until you are ready to use them so they don't turn brown.

Looks good - peach pie coming later.

Say this ten times fast:  Penny Penner peeled peaches in Pittsburgh.