
What to do with strawberries!

We went strawberry picking twice this year, so ended up with five of the baskets that you can see in the pictures.  What do we do with all the strawberries?  We freeze a bunch, make jam, a really yummy strawberry sauce, strawberry-rhubarb pie filling and of course EAT THEM!

Here is our special breakfast treat.  We only have waffles this way during strawberry season.

I have a few different waffle recipes that I use, but this one is our favorite "treat" waffle.  (It's probably also the least healthy, so we only have it occasionally.)

Traditional Waffles

1/2 c melted butter or margarine
3/4 c sugar
2  1/4 c flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 c milk
3 eggs
pinch of salt
twist of lemon (I use bottled lemon juice)

Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl.  Add eggs and milk and beat thoroughly.  Add butter and lemon and mix until smooth.  Cook 4 - 5 minutes in a hot waffle iron.